SDAP Information Services
JACSES provides the following Japanese language information
services to members, NGOs, academics and policy makers who share
our interests in Development Assistance issues. JACSES cannot
provide these services in English due to resource constraints,
but we are happy to exchange views and information in English
with people/organizations who wish to know more about, or can
contribute to, these services. |
MDBs Update
MDBs Update is a Japanese language e-mail clipping service providing
up-to-date news, collected from a variety of sources, about
significant domestic and international developments pertaining
to MDBs and Japanese ODA to subscribing NGOs and individuals.
The Update is mailed out twice per week and headlines of past
Updates are posted on JACSES' homepage on a monthly basis.
Briefing Paper Series: Sustainable Development and
International Aid (No.1-13)
Conceived as a vehicle for independent analysis of curent
issues in international aid, JACSES' Briefing Paper Series (BPS)
on Sustainable Development and International Aid has become
a vaulable Japanese language resource for academics, civil society
leaders and policy makers alike. Well-researched contributions
from leading academics, environmental leaders and JACSES staff
have consistently served to bring current issues and perspectives
about MDBs to the attentions of Japanese policy makers and concerned
citizens. Titles of the BPS series to date have been;
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) Press Kit
Compiled by JACSES, Friends of the Earth Japan, Japan Tropical
Forest Action Network (JATAN) and Mekong Watch Japan, the ADB
Press Kit was prepared for media and civil society representatives
before ADB's 1997 Annual General Meeting, held in Fukuoka on
May 11-13. The Kit contained a series of 8 background briefs
(1) ADB's 30-year development record,
(2) ADB's lending mandate,
(3) The NGO campaign for ADB reform,
(4) ADB's dialogue with civil society/NGOs
(5) ADB's relationship with the Government of Japan,
(6) Transparency/Accountability of ADB and the Japanese Government,
(7) ADB and development in the Mekong River region and
(8) Connections between ADB and domestic (Japanese) public works
Texts of these briefs remain available through JACSES' homepage.
Japan Center for a Sustainable
Environment and Society (JACSES)
401, Sanshin Bldg., 2-3-2 Iidabashi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0072
Japan (MAP)
Phone: +81-3-3556-7323 Fax: +81-3-3556-7328 Email: |
Copyright JACSES All Rights Reserved.