Negative environmental and social impacts have been arising
from development activities funded by Multilateral Development
Banks (MDBs) and Export Credit Agency (ECA) / Overseas Development
Assistance (ODA). In the process of project implementation,
the rights of affected people to raise their concerns have
not been fully ensured. Even when clear harms arise, responsibilities
of development agencies have often not been clear and rehabilitation
measures have been inadequate. Therefore, it is especially
important to reform these development institutions. Ultimately,
it is the interests of people who live and are affected by
development projects that we wish to uphold through our activities.
JACSES is an independent, non-profit research
center promoting the realization of an environmentally sustainable
and socially equitable society in Japan and throughout the
world. Its aid reform program, Sustainable Development and
Aid Program (SDAP), has a goal to eliminate environmentally
and socially destructive projects, and to promote environmentally
and socially sustainable development in the South. To accomplish
the goal, JACSES has focused on mainly four sets of objectives;
Avoid/minimize socially and environmentally
negative impacts caused by energy and infrastructure development
projects funded by MDBs and Japanese financial institutions
in South Asia, and reflect the views of affected people;
Strengthen institutional mechanisms and
standards of MDBs and Japanese financial institutions
to improve accountability, ensure social and environmental
considerations and protect the rights of affected people;
Strengthen the role of civil society
in the reform of MDBs and Japanese financial institutions
through policy dialogues with key decision-makers, and;
Increase the monitoring and advocacy
capacities of local groups and NGOs