Interview with Prof. Koyu Furusawa of Kokugakuin University,
Board member of JWCS and chief executive of JACSES
NGO global forum in Earth Summit, Rio 1992 Photos by Koyu
--Until today, the Earth Summit has been overseeing the
changing times like a metering rod. Coming Earth Summit, dubbed
‘Rio+20’, is said to be “a restart after 20 years since 1992,
Rio conference” What is the implication of coming Earth Summit
and what trend of the times does it have?
Prof. Koyu Furusawa (Honorifics and first name omitted
from below): The Earth Summit in 1992 was the starting
point of a new age in many ways. The Cold War structure was
dismantled by the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991. With that,
questions have been raised from the point of view of "the
global scale problem" for the first time, and such recognition
has since spread across the world. For example, the original
draft of “If the world were a village of 100 people”, which
became the talk on the streets, was written by Dr. Donella
Meadows. She was a member of the Club of Rome (famous for
the report “The Limits to Growth”). She conveyed simple messages
from “If the World were a Village of 1000 People”, which became
the origin of “If the world were a village of 100 people”.
Coming Rio+20 will not be a nation-centered but a global-citizen-centered
summit. Going back to the fundamental standpoint, it will
be an assembly for discussing what has happened in the past
20 years in our global village, and what is going to happen
in the 20 years ahead in our global world.
In Earth Summit 92’, two legally binding agreements, Framework
Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and Convention on Biological
Diversity, were signed. Now we are facing and being asked
to reconsider whether we can really make these treaties, which
haven’t been quite utilized yet, work. UNFCCC puts an agenda
for ending the “fossil fuel civilization”, which breaks down
the balance on the earth by using up exhaustible resources
such as petroleum. It also touches upon the related issues
of global warming and resource problem. And also Convention
on Biological Diversity is expected to build “living life
civilization” which has a respect toward coexistence with
nature in harmony. According to the Bio-diversity Convention,
we now see that there is actually great value in the traditional
cultures of the indigenous people and their rights and way
of living, which have been ignored so far. Thinking afresh
about the meaning of these two treaties born in Rio, I’m convinced
that these are the two significant keys for transforming our
modern civilization.
And in between 1972, 1992, and 2012, in spans of 20 years,
history has been repeated in spiral, and the world has been
changed more globally and dynamically. The United Nations
held "Conference on Human Environment" in Stockholm
in 1972. It was the first major conference on environmental
problem in The United Nations. This was the first wave of
the swell of concerns on environment. Minamata disease patients,
victim of organic mercury poisoning, from Japan also participated
in this conference. They complained about the serious pollution
problems and local corruption behind Japan's high-speed economic
development. And what is more, it turned out this kind of
disaster was not just a local problem of one country. For
instance, DDT was found in the penguins of Antarctica. (DDT:
organochlorine pesticides, banned in Japan since 1971) These
chemical problems, including pesticide contamination began
to spread around the world. For instance, due to such influences,
birds couldn’t hatch eggs well. The red signal from wild life
and the serious problem of their survival was one of the reasons
behind the Conference on Human Environment in 1972. Shortly
thereafter, an oil crisis occurred in 1973, and "Limits
to Growth" gathered wide concerns in the world for the
first time. The world population increased about 4 times over
the 100 years of the Twentieth Century from 1.5〜1.6 billion
to 6 billion. The increase in energy consumption is nearly
twice as huge, a 7〜8 fold increase. The voices of "Limits
of the earth"," Limits of resources" have been
repeated in history like walking down a spiral staircase.
And it has become more globally and seriously. The span of
these 20 years is a more expanded form, and it is linking
to Rio +20.
--It is said that the themes of Rio+20 are “green economy”
related with poverty eradication and “institutional framework
" related with reform of the world system and the United
Nations. What are they going to discuss?
Furusawa: Underpinning the growth of energy
use and population is economic system, basically. And by its
globalization, the economy has become affluent with mass consumption
enabled by the industrial production system since the Industrial
Revolution. Moreover, it has been apart from “real economy”
recently, and emerging “financial economy”; which gains profits
by foreseeing how to withdraw investments, has come to dominate.
Now, in this world economy the scale of financial assets is
inflated to more than 3.5 times big against real economic
activities. In particular, the problem of the US economy is
very large. The US holds a debt (total debts of federal/state/local
government, business, household and domestic financial sectors)
which is estimated almost a match for World GDP (known as
world gross domestic product or GWP). They are up to their
neck. Meanwhile, if emerging countries like China and India
has evolved economically on a large scale as an alternative,
then the earth will no longer hold everything. Burden of the
risk that we are holding now is just the tip of the iceberg
and there are enormous hidden contradictions. We are forced
to choose a structural change and the great transformation
to find the exit.
Rio +20 has an aim to improve a socio-economic constitution
of the world so called "green economy". It is called
"A green economy in the context of sustainable development
and poverty reduction," but has not decided clear definition.
However, the green economy would be considered not only as
an economic level but also as a system to capture and hold
social issues such as the alleviation of poverty and human
rights. Along the way, UN reform has been required and also
to be more specific, it is necessary to create a coexistence
world in harmony by transforming various mechanism, institutions
and the institutional framework. Traditionally, interaction
of domestic and global economy and political system has been
studied through the concept of "regime of international
relations". Recently, various systems, institutions and
power balance relations beyond the region of the country has
been generated. Especially, the environmental regime has been
formed as an intermediate position. For example, climate change
towards a low carbon society is called "carbon regime".
There are various problems and conflicts over it. We need
to think about how we can adjust the complex issues in term
of sustainability.
Particularly noteworthy in both the environment and economy
is flow of military spending. Collapse of the Soviet Union
in 1991, military spending was reduced by the end of the Cold
War. Philosophical principle presented at the Rio Summit in
1992 is as follows. Huge military expenditures used in the
Cold War should allot for human welfare, North-South problem,
eradication of poverty and environmental issues. And we should
live in more peaceful together as global citizens. Once, world
military expenditure was reduced, yet again rising well beyond
$ 1 trillion annually today. It is nearly 10 times more than
the total amount of the world's ODA (Official Development
Assistance), about twice the amount of the cost which will
be required to combat global warming (according to Stern Review)
and 20 times of the amount required to be added to achieve
MDGs (Millennium Development Goals).
When considering a green economy, we need to think about
not only the introduction of energy conservation, renewable
energy, the investment in Smart City, but also, in addition,
we need to think about shifting to a fund of peaceful green
economy from military expenditures, as the springboard of
a major transformation. The thing is how we can convert this
green economy into the economic conditions in the current
global crisis and a very large strain and risk. There is a
challenging task that whether we can open our eyes to the
fundamental structural condition, and come out with effective
Originally ecology and economy are the same etymology. They
are derived from the Greek word ο?κο?. It represents "den",
the world we are living. The word "Economy" was
born as meaning of managing ο?κο?. On the other hand, the
term "ecology" was born as meaning of understanding
the relationship between ο?κο? and living nature conservation.
In modern society they became entirely different meanings.
But now again, people are considering that this is the starting
point to integrate. Namely, it is the time to integrate an
economy into greening (ecology).I think a change of awareness
of people in "Richness" is happening and we are
reconsidering about Happiness. In societies, without having
to convert into money, we have many things to be able to enrich
the world. Without having economic growth to be evaluated
as money and energy intensive goods, without a job for earning
a lot, without work greedily, without much money, people eventually
go live slowly and peacefully.
Instead of dining out, people can reasonably enjoy the food
that everyone brings along as a pot-luck party. We should
focus more on real “living economy” not diverting money, shaping
the world outlook for the economy in excess. Or should I say
we will be on the way to "super economy". "Sufficiency
Economy" has begun to be recognized among the people
in Thailand and other Asian countries. Rather than just see
the world through their own selfish interests, focus on relationships
with others for living together. How dare we feel enriched
if there are unfortunate people beside us? Again, we will
have the richness of our heart, only after we share the wealth
and prosperity with others. In this sense, we must consider
broadening more of the whole concept of the "Green Economy".
-- Do you think the actual "UN reform" can
produce a process for symbiosis? Also is there helpful hint?
And toward what?
Furusawa: I suspect that EU and the U.S.
may not work well in Rio+20. And emerging countries like Brazil,
China and India also seem powerless when it comes to the “philosophical
principal”. If countries can not fully function, an anchor
should be "United Nations". UN should transcend
all national interests and conflict of interests. There is
a real need for UN to attempt finding a capability in cooperation
with the NGOs. In order to position Rio +20 as the breakthrough,
we must build up a series of concrete measures. At the same
time, International Year of Cooperatives will be also held
in 2012. In the reconstruction of the aftermath of the 3/11/2011
Tohoku earthquake and tsunami, the SDF and U.S. forces, major
courier and some convenience stores have been highly regarded.
But I believe the cooperative sector has committed the most
to some extent, such as Miyagi consumer Coop activities which
organized local people widely. They supplyed various aid in
cooperation among with all other cooperative sectors. In addition,
they conducted extensive support in cooperation with local
government. In this disaster, there were emerging a lot of
cooperative and community activities in various areas. We
have really recognized and reevaluated the importance of coordination
of people, communities, regional cooperative organizations
and NPOs.
Now we are facing the challenge of how to reestablish the
communities from scratch.
Before 3.11, Tohoku, located in north east of Japan was an
outlying region in this country. Because of aging population,
Sanriku fishery and fishing industry had been getting to decline.
This earthquake hit fishing cooperatives members and fishermen,
now the old organizations are virtually on the verge of demolition.
There are two major movements regarding this reconstruction.
One of the movements is to remove all the fishing rights that
have been practiced as the conventional resource management
traditionally in the region. And then a huge capital will
take over and make global fish business industry base in the
area. It is a reconstructive movement that has the perspective
of globalization aiming to form renewed base. Another movement
is to center around the local scene. Cooperative organizations
will be the core base of their community. It is a movement
to develop a traditional relationship and try to compromise
with each other cooperatively. Based on cooperation of subsistence
fishery, formation of distribution channels more directly
to consumers and the various economic zones, community has
mainly begun creating a cooperative relationship. In order
to prevail in the global market economy, whether we should
rush toward to make the base for fish processing industry
and industrial complex, or people of the area should autonomously
manage and operate for the revival while keeping a local value
and maintaining a cooperative philosophy….It has become a
fierce argument but the debate for the situation is still
very fuzzy.
In line with "public" as public administration
and "private" as business companies, domain of "commune"
or "cooperative of citizen/community" as social
capital is also very important. Social capital is not visible
such as material or infrastructure. Core of the capital is,
though it is invisible, various relationships and a kind of
network. It could be said it is the latent potential power
of region and community. It is important how much you have
connections and ties with diverse people. If you have it,
it will exercise "resilience = readiness and adaptivity"
against the risk of disaster. Human relations have been diluted
in rapidly expanding commercial area restructuring and massive
urban concentration for pursuit of convenience. However in
local areas, the system of mutual aid still remains. Main
pillar of green economy is not to expand conventional economy
by using resources and energy intensively like nuclear energy,
but to base the system of decentralization like renewable
energy (including biomass). I believe that to continue to
maintain an appropriate scale and local community is the key.
Green economy should be strongly related with a sustainable
"commune and cooperative" sector. (refer to [3 Socio-Economic

--Lastly, let me hear about future prospects of the movement
in the world and Japan's role.
Furusawa: The biggest concern I have now
is that someone may cause war. For nations where domestic
problems and contradictions exist, the easy way for them to
write off such a situation is to cause war and confrict to
make enemies outside to find a way out. I feel most afraid
this situation. Even if not that serious, in the days ahead,
there will be unrest in countries for deepened conflicts over
resource issues and so on. Now, the important way of life
is "diversity" which expands various routes and
network of adaptation. In this sense, for instance NGO which
include diverse people shows you prospect of "Oh, I have
this option in life". I think it will be widened and
more and more interesting to seek an alternative way of living.
After 3.11, Japan has a chance to present to the world vision
and scenario of recovery how our society turns over a new
leaf. Japan caught up on the western civilization which the
western society achieved over several centuries in a hundred
years since the Meiji era. And about half a century after
world war, Japan has achieved industrial rapid development
and also run through post-industrial society. On the other
hand of the bright side, Japan is now facing a contradiction
of the modern development system, such as nuclear power plants
or pollution problems. Japan has been running with holding
inherent conflict of tremendous light and shadow. We have
an obligation to share with people around the world the serious
reality symbolized by "Hiroshima and Nagasaki, nuclear
bomb" "Minamata" and "Fukushima",
nuclear plant accident. Appearance of conflict and coexistence
of tradition and modernization is a common issue and problem
faced by developing countries which is a majority of the world.
For better or worse, Japan has condensed many kinds of lessons
that world should consider now on. With a view the future
civilization will further dematerialization, I think Japan
has a tremendous amount of potential of latent cultural power,
although national power in a sense of material civilization
may be declined. Japan is a typical "miniature"
when we view the modern world as the coexisting place for
diverse (the intersection of culture and civilization). So
we have to do self-disclosure to the world as a social and
cultural experiment in a positive and negative way. Like I
said before, it's time to find a value in those the most behind
thing or the things used be disregarded. I feel hopefully
Japan is now in the very best position to appeal to the world
that the meaning of being the "A Miniature of the World
" and show our potential of transformation.