Green Tax Reform Program
Taxes we paid are too often used to finance public projects, which, far from addressing existing environmental problems, burden the environment and cause even more environmental damage. On the other hand, economic instruments such as taxes, if used properly, can help us make policies that are both environmentally effective and economically efficient.
JACSES advocates a green tax reform that integrates environmental considerations into the economic policymaking, and at the same time, utilizes economic instruments, especially environmental taxes, to resolve environmental problems. (Learn more about Green Tax Reform program…)
What are Environmental Taxes?
Environmental Taxes are one of the economic instruments to address environmental problems. Environmental Taxes are designed to provide incentive to lessen environmental burdens, while the tax revenues can be either spent on more environmental preservation projects, or used to cut costs elsewhere (such as labor taxes) and create double dividend. (Learn more about Environmental Taxes…)
Carbon Taxes
A carbon tax is a kind of environmental taxes that is imposed on the consumption of fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gases. It is designed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and combat climate change. (Learn more about carbon taxes…)
Local Environmental Taxes
Some environmental taxes are more effective when levied locally. Local governments in Japan have in recent years introduced…(Learn more about local environmental taxes in Japan…)
What We Do
JACSES promotes understanding about environmental taxes and green tax reform among policy makers, NGOs, academia, industry representatives and the general public.
JACSES forms Carbon Tax Research Group with other NGOs in Japan to advocate the introduction of carbon taxes in Japan; (More information on Carbon Tax Research Group in Japanese only)
JACSES recommends improvements in policies, legislation and administrative procedures to accelerate green tax reforms. (Learn more about our proposals and books);
JACSES organizes seminars and symposiums, bringing together policy-makers, industry representatives, scholars and the general public.(Check out our events);
JACSES publishes Carbon Policy Express, a monthly e-mail magazine, to keep its readers up to date on critical climate policy developments on both the international and national levels. (Learn more about Carbon Policy Express)
What We Have Achieved So Far
・ To combat global warming and cut waste in government spending, we proposed to maintain the automobile tax rates as the road-related tax revenues are diverted for non-road purposes. At the end of April 2008, the automobile tax rate returned to the original rate after being temporarily reduced in March.
・ We have been pushing for fiscal measures to combat global warming, and now Japan is considering subsidies for green cars and energy efficient building renovations.