September 06, 2024Development and Aid
August 28, 2024Development and Aid
“Request to engage with SOMPO to stop underwriting new fossil fuel projects” was submitted to SOMPO’s 50 shareholders
June 04, 2024Development and Aid
Joint Statement: NGOs strongly condemn decision by Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC) to finance Woodside Energy, the Australian gas extraction giant
April 01, 2024Development and Aid
Joint Statement: NGOs Strongly Condemn Decision by Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC) and Citibank to finance two gas-fired power projects in Mexico
March 28, 2024Development and Aid
Joint Statement: NGOs urge Japanese financial institutions to stop developing/supporting the Scarborough gas field in Australia
January 30, 2024Development and Aid
Joint Statement: JBIC financing for two gas power projects in Mexico would violate the G7 agreement
October 05, 2023Development and Aid
Briefing Paper: JICA supported energy master plan in Bangladesh, soaked in fossil fuels and not aligned with the Paris Agreement
August 02, 2023Development and Aid
Joint statement: Three major Japanese non-life insurers left NZIA and failed to disclose the intermediate targets by deadline
January 18, 2023Development and Aid
Request Letter to Engage with MS&AD to stop underwriting Fossil Fuel Projects
July 27, 2022Development and Aid