Monitoring of
IFC's Safeguard Policies
and Disclosure Policy Review
The IFC's Performance Standards and Disclosure Policy are
on a review process. JACSES are monitoring the review and
promoting the IFC's accountability.
From 2004-2006, IFC revised the safeguard policies and disclosure
policy. JACSES has monitored the process, and carried out
the following documents:
- Dec 01, 2005:
Comments on the IFC’s Draft Policy and Performance Standards
on Social & Environmental Sustainability and on Disclosure
of Information
- Dec 01, 2005: Open
Letter to the Board of the World Bank Group
on the IFC’s Draft Policy and Performance Standards on Social
& Environmental Sustainability and Disclosure of Information
- April 21, 2005:
Comments on the IFC’s Working Draft Framework for Discussion
regarding Disclosure of Information
- April 21, 2005: Open
Letter asking for Clarification of IFC’s Position on the
Policy on Social and Environmental Sustainability and Performance
- October 25, 2004: Press
release "World Bank’s Private Sector Finance Arm International
Finance Corporation (IFC), Weakening the Environment and
Social Standards-What is the influence on Corporate Social
Responsibility (CSR)"
- October 20, 2004: Demands
to Ministry of Finance (Japan) on IFC’s revision process
on its Safeguard Policies and Disclosure Policy
- Septermber 8, 2004: Comparison
of "JACSES Recommendations for the review of IFC's
policy on disclosure of information" and "IFC
disclosure policy concept paper"
- August 24, 2004: Recommendations
to the IFC concerning consultation process of safeguard
and disclosure policies' revision
- August 24, 2004: Report
"Lack of participation and non-disclosure problems
in projects financed by the International Finance Corporation
- April 5, 2004: 26
NGOs sent a sign on letter on Recommendations for IFC’s
Disclosure Policy Review Process (PDF)
- Mar. 12, 2004: Comments
on the IFC's Disclosure Policy (PDF)
Contact Person: Yuki
Japan Center for a Sustainable
Environment and Society (JACSES)
401, Sanshin Bldg., 2-3-2 Iidabashi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0072
Japan (MAP)
Phone: +81-3-3556-7323 Fax: +81-3-3556-7328 Email: |
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